The kits from Arrowhead Custom Boat and Canoe not only have the scarfs cut for you but have template as well. Why templates? Templates aid with the glue up and help insure that the scarffed plank will match the computer drawn plate.
Step 1
In the photo labeled Step 1 the template cut from inexpensive ΒΌ plywood has been temporarily nailed to a flat surface and one half of the plank has also been temporarily tacked in place. Note that both the template and plank have station lines marked and that those marks have been aligned.
Step 2
Step 3
In the photo labeled Step 2 the other half of the plank has been placed on the paper with the scarf turned up and in photo Step 3 both scarfs have been coated with both un-thickened epoxy and a slightly thickened epoxy.
Step 4
In Step 4 the other half of the plank has been turn down so the scarfs mate and the squeeze out has been wiped up.
Step 5
Step 6
In Step 5 the plank is temporarily tacked to the surface to keep it from shifting. Note the mark for station 3 on the plank has been aligned with the station 3 mark on the template in photo Step 6.
Step 7
In Step 7 the template has been removed and a 3/4 thick piece of plywood has been screwed down as a clamp.
Now all that is left to do is repeat the process for each of the six planks. When the epoxy has set and the planks are cleaned up each set of planks will be virtual duplications of each other. This means the boat will assemble easier and be a more fair hull.
Templates for the planks and bottom is just one of several added benefits of an Arrowhead Custom Boat and Canoe kit!
Our boatbuilding kits will be available for purchase via this website shortly. Stay tuned for complete details!