Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

The Maritime Museum in Portsmouth is where Admiral Nelson’s Flagship, HMS Victory, is berthed. I took a picture of the deadeyes on HMS Victory because dead eyes are very useful on small boats as well…

HMS Victory

They’re a great low tech way to deal with standing rigging. They can be complicated, like those on Victory or they can be simple like this system on a Standing Lug whaler also at the museum…


Whaler Deadeye Close Up

I liked the traveler on the whaler as well…

Travel for Standing Lug

There were two other pieces of hardware that I also found I might want to duplicate at some point… The jib tack makes bending on the sail fast but what I liked best was the tiller arrangement… This clever system allows for the tiller to be removed quickly.

Jib Tack

Tiller and Mizzen Mast

Next Bilge keels…

It would be hard, as a sailor, to come to London and not travel to Greenwich, home of the Prime Meridian… The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich covers a large area with a number of hands-on exhibits but I found the Observatory the most interesting… The exhibit on chronometers was fascinating… Really the main reason of this section of the trip was to stand with one foot in the Western Hemisphere and one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere… I only have a photo of the line as I was reluctant to hand my Nikon to a stranger to get a photo. On to Portsmouth!

Prime Meridian The Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England

Royal Observatory The Royal Observatory

Wind Vane Wind vane on top of the Royal Observatory

View from Observatory The view towards London from Greenwich.